MK Teach

South Africa’s new coalition cabinet unveiled by Cyril Ramaphosa

In the new cabinet, the ANC will keep key ministries such as defence, finance and foreign affairs.

The DA’s portfolios include home affairs and public works. Party leader John Steenhuisen will lead the agriculture ministry.

In a televised speech on Sunday, Mr Ramaphosa said: “The incoming government will prioritise rapid, inclusive and sustainable economic growth and creation of a more just society.”

The ANC welcomed the move as “an important step forward, and a testament to the resilience of our democracy”.

Meanwhile, the DA said it was “proud to rise to the challenge and take our place, for the first time, at the seat of national government”.

It also pledged “good governance, zero tolerance for corruption and pragmatic policy-making”.

Despite a coalition cabinet deal, stark political disagreements remain between the ANC and the DA.

Perhaps the biggest and most contentious issues are DA opposition to the ANC’s national healthcare policy and to its black economic empowerment programme.

In May’s elections the ANC got 40% of the vote, while the DA secured 22%.

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